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Submitting your content to social media sites can be quite an effective technique to drive large traffic volume and promote your blog. Provided that the content you submit is of high quality and reaches the site's front page, traffic sent to your blog can reach between a few thousand to tens of thousands within a short period of time (a few days). Here's a list of some of the popular/emerging social media sites and the volume of traffic their front-pages are capable of sending.

Image Credit: Pro-Zak.

StumbleUpon can send traffic in the amount of 1,000 to 40,000 within 3 days after getting around 50 stumbles.

You can expect between 1,500 to 30,000 visitors to your blog if your post is approved in Slashdot and gets to its front page.

A popular post on Digg's front page can get between 3,000 to 35,000 visitors within a short period of time.

The aptly chosen name I Am Bored can send traffic of around 2,000 to 15,000 of its bored members to your blog if your post gets to its front page.

Ebaum's World is a humor site with the ability to send its front page landers a good traffic volume of 2,500 to 20,000.

Posts on the community-based news site Fark's frontpage can get around 2,000 to 20,000 traffic volume.

News/stories on Reddit's frontpage receive traffic of about 2,500 to 15,000, depending on how far up and how long it stays on the front page.

Submission to MetaFilter requires a subscription fee, but once your post hits the front page, you can expect around 1,000 to 5,000 visitors.

The traffic that the social tagging site sends is spread over time. Given that your article hit its front page, you can get between 500 to 5,000 visitors within a short period of time.

Front page landers on Propeller are not guaranteed much to receive high traffic, unless you're in the Top 5, which can send around 50 to 3,500 visitors.

Breaking news that hit the frontpage of Newsvine gets around 500 to 2,000 traffic volume.

ShoutWire, an internet news site, sends about 500 to 1,500 traffic volume to submissions that get to the frontpage.

The new social news site Mixx has a steady trend of increasing traffic. Currently, its frontpage landers can receive around 50 to 250 visitors.

Sphinn, an internet marketing social site, is capable to drive traffic of about 75 to 200 in less than 24 hours to articles on the front page.

This post is an adaptation on a rough guide provided by SEOCO (Alexa rank: 138,950) mainly based on client's statistics and data on Google Analytics. The original post of 744 words has been cut down by 44% to 421 words


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